Baseball Pitch Maintenance

Baseball Pitch Maintenance

Using Baseball Mowers


Reel mowers are the most commonly used mower on high quality fields where a lower cut is desired, because of their capability to produce the most accurate cut whilst being equipped with heavy-duty rear rollers to efficiently create the most impressive pitch stripes. To some, the first recommended step may seem like overkill, but we”™d always recommend testing the quality of your soil. Similarly to having a blood test to see if you”™re deficient in anything which might be making you feel a little under the weather, having your soil tested will tell you which nutrients your soil may be lacking so that you can apply these within the most appropriate fertiliser, so your turf stays as healthy as possible. To reduce stress to the plant during mowing, we”™d recommend to mow more frequently, merely trimming a small amount of the plant each time, rather than mowing less frequently but harshly removing a larger portion of the plant. Mowing in this manner will ensure that you produce a healthier and stronger turf in the long run, as it hasn”™t been subject to harsh and damaging treatment. Mowing too low and ”˜scalping”™ your turf frequently will cultivate a reduced root system, meaning roots will be shallow with lower stored food reserves, producing a weak quality turf that is more susceptible to damage and disease. At the very least, you should be mowing your turf twice weekly, but we”™ve learned over our years working with and receiving feedback from experienced groundsmen that most big league mow on a daily basis. To yield a denser lawn, the best protocol is to pick a mowing height and stick to it throughout the growing season. If you do want to start reducing your mowing height, you should reduce this incrementally by ¼ or ½ inch increments per week), as this will avoid removing excessive plant area or ”˜scalping”™ and weakening the turf. Mowing height is generally best determined by the species of grass, site use, level of management, desired field conditions and traffic level, however as a rough guideline baseball outfields should be mowed at between 1.5 and 2.5 inches, and between 1.0 and 2.5 inches for the infields.

The Regal Mower

With hydro-static forward and reverse drive, the Regal Mower offers variable mowing speeds and cuts per metre. The machine”™s power steering provides the user with impressive control and turning ability. It is also compatible with the Autosteer Trailing Seat so the perfect defined stripes can also be achieved effortlessly!

Aeration and Fertilisation

Most of the baseball game is played through the infield grass, meaning this is one of the most important places on the pitch. This area should be kept well fertilised to ensure the best possible quality. Mid-spring is peak time to apply any pesticides or herbicides, as the weather has not yet reached a temperature that would cause drying or yellowing following application (which is rather unsightly for a professional pitch!). Wherever possible, it”™s best to water in your products immediately after application to avoid turf becoming dry and withered. To ensure a dense plant growth, fertilisers should be applied about every 5-6 weeks. The thicker the turf, the more uniform the pitch will appear, providing that perfect professional look. Sparse blade density with longer growth can appear ”˜shaggy”™ and far from the crisp aesthetic groundsmen strive for. Aeration should be carried out two or three times per annum, irrigating after each session to ensure maximum hydration. Frequent use of aeration equipment keeps the soil open and always prepared to absorb necessary nutrients, creating a healthier turf. One of these sessions should be carried out during the summer period to make certain that the soil quality doesn”™t reduce due to dehydration through the hotter months. If your soil still feels too compacted or solid, it is perfectly acceptable to carry out a second aeration during summer, but you should leave between 4 and 6 weeks between each session to ensure that your turf has the proper time to recover efficiently.

The Tractor Mounted Scarifier

The tractor mounted scarifier has large working width meaning that turf renovation or seasonal scarification can be carried out in no time. Being PTO driven, the machine carries out quick and effective aeration and scarification whilst collecting clippings and debris in the rear collection box. A tipping rear collector minimises clear up time. The machine is perfect for cutting lateral runners and root removal while decompacting.


The main purpose of verticutting is to reduce thatch, allowing the turf to grow properly. Excessive clippings or debris being left on the grass can often cause heat stress and smothers the plant. This keeps the area underneath moist, providing the perfect environment for disease organisms to multiply. You”™ll know if you have too much thatch as you”™ll notice that it feels more springy or spongy than normal. The process of verticutting makes use of vertical blades to penetrate the grass directly downwards which separates and lifts thatch, allowing the turf to grow efficiently and be less susceptible to disease. Its recommended to verticut your baseball field as this allows your plant roots more room to grow horizontally, meaning the grass can spread thicker. Deep watering post verticutting encourages deep root growth. The stronger the toot, the stronger the plant, however frequent shallow watering encourages shallow surface roots as they do not have to travel far down through the soil to find nourishment, which can leave your turf more likely to become compacted or grow crabgrass or weeds.

The C Range Mowers

The C Range machines are available in 3 different widths (the c20, c24 and c34 however the c34 is the most appropriate for large sports grounds where low weight and a great finish are paramount. The C20 and C24 are ideal for finer sports surfaces, but the 34 is slightly more appropriate as a baseball mower. The C range mowers are perfect for lawns that need a little extra attention because of the ease you”™re able to change cartridges for different applications, from fine mowing, to verticutting, slitting, brushing, scarifying and sorrel rolling. THE NEW ALLETT TURF RAKE Allett produce a C Range class of reel mowers that allow for interchangeable cartridges to be used such as the Turf Rake cartridge for a wide range of turf care tasks. This cartridge is proving to be hugely popular in American Baseball/Football clubs for ripping out any unwanted thatch/moss that can cause drainage issues and stop nutrients getting to the grass plant. The cartridge is also useful for clearing up debris after football games.Take a look at David Mellors Instagram for regular videos of the Turf Rake in action. He is the Head Groundskeeper at Boston Red Sox and a very well respected guy within the world of Baseball.


With Allett Mowers, you”™re not limiting yourself to just one set pattern for your baseball pitch. Our baseball mowers enable you to run wild and produce the most creative stripes you like”¦ ensuring that not only the team impress the competition and the spectators, but the lawn stripes are something to attempt to replicate, too. The higher the cut of the grass, the better the contrast of the stripe will be as there is more to lay one way. The only ”˜restriction”™ that you must be aware of when creating patterns for baseball pitches are that you must ensure that your mowing patterns don”™t affect playability. ”˜Snaking”™ patterns look incredibly impressive, but must be produced with scientific skill to avoid balls rolling on the outfield grass following the direction in which the grass is laid. Stripes, checkerboards and diamonds are the most common patterns produced to stop the ball from snaking, but creating curved patterns is not totally out of the question. You should always remember to trim the edges as accurately as possible - because the pitch is a diamond shape, it relies on crisp and accurate lines. The pitch may look unkempt if they aren”™t managed.

The RM34 Rotary Mower

The RM34 Rotary Mower was developed based upon feedback received from experienced Stadium Groundsmen. Working with our end users enable us to meet every requirement perfectly, meaning we”™ve been able to produce the best rotary mower yet. The machine is equipped with a full rear roller to produce the best pitch stripes possible. The twin contra rotating blades and high lift system vacuum up debris and clippings meaning that lawn maintenance is carried out far more efficiently than ever before.
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